Sunday, December 27, 2009

You say you want a resolution...

I know it's not quite New Year's yet, but it's never to early to start thinking about New Year's resolutions. As for my own resolutions, well, for starters, as I mentioned a year ago, I'm trying to become more domesticated (easier said than done!). Secondly, I want to work on not being so hard on myself and just accepting me for who I am (likewise!). Finally-- and this may seem contradictory-- I'd like to lose 5-10 lbs. by February 3 (which, incidentally, happens to be my 30th birthday). Honestly, I want to work on having an overall positive body image and self concept. I also think I need to stop letting other peoples' issues, hang-ups, and negativity get to me. In order to achieve these goals, I'm going to focus on working toward them for my personal well-being, not to please anybody else. (I think this is what has messed me up in the past in terms of making my resolutions a reality.) So, here's to a happy, healthy 2010!

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