Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My Chinese New Year's Eve

Well, folks, I am enjoying a quiet, relaxing New Year's Eve in complete solitude. I am currently re-watching I Really Hate My Job*. Later, I will partake of some leftover Chinese food. I tend to associate Chinese with New Year's. I think it's the Year of the Ox, according to the Chinese zodiac. Speaking of which, my fortune cookie from last night read: "Your talents will be put to good use in the very near future (or something like that)." Hmmm... . Anywho, my Yahoo! horoscope insists that this is going to be a big year for me and that 2012 will be a "breakout year." We shall see!
*Check out for more info about the aforementioned sleeper hit. Yeah, it's becoming a fave-- it really resonates w/me.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I rented a couple DVDs. There's not much to say about The House Bunny, starring Anna Faris and produced by Adam Sandler, except that it was kind of cute and funny in parts. I Really Hate My Job, on the other hand, is a bit more complicated than that. Starring Neve Campbell, the film provides minimalist character sketches of five-- four British and one American-- angst-filled female restaurant workers. Each woman wants to be somebody else: an actress (Campbell), an artist, a great lover, a writer, and even a revolutionary. I was hooked the minute I saw this movie in the store and read its tagline: "Every day is just another day closer to the day I'll never have to do this again." I exclaimed to myself, "Hell, yeah!" I've now been inspired to lead my own revolution against mediocrity and obscurity. (BTW, speaking of Anna Faris, I recommend that y'all watch Southern Belles-- another one my fave flicks. It is a far more accurate representation of her comedic talent.)

Monday, December 29, 2008

Movie Night

I rented a couple DVDs, The House Bunny and I Really Hate My Job. The former was a vapid no-brainer. As for the latter, I haven't watched it yet, but I'm getting ready to. I have very high expectations and there will more than likely be a review for y'all to read within the next couple days.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Well, there's a chance the effort I've been putting forth towards my job search may pay off this week. I'm sort of anticipating hearing from Raw Story Media. Of all the positions I've applied for, that would be my "dream job." But, if it doesn't happen, I know another great opportunity will be on the horizon and that I will eventually be rewarded.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Very Interesting Day

Continuing on the wacky weather theme, it was 70+ degrees today. I went shopping in Vincennes, Ind., with my mom and grandma. I picked up some cute "politica" fashions at my fave store, Kohl's. We couldn't have picked a better day for this little outing. While I've enjoyed this "Springtime in December" immensely, it makes me a bit nervous. You see, this area has a history of really bad storms and major tornadoes during periods of unseasonable warmth. For instance, Allendale, Ill., was hit by an "ubertwister" during a warm spell in Jan. '89.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Winter Weather Wackiness

Okay, earlier this week my street was a solid sheet of ice. Today, it's like springtime. What's up with that? All I know is that I'm not complaining. In case y'all haven't noticed, I'm not a big fan of winter.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

So, this is Christmas...

Of course, that's a line from one of my fave seasonal tunes, John & Yoko's "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)." Here are a few others:
"Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer"-- Elmo & Patsy-- Did I fail to mention that I spent my formative years in the Lone Star State? 'Nuff said!
"Little Drummer Boy/Peace On Earth"-- Bing Crosby & David Bowie-- a beautiful, timely sentiment; intriguing simply due to the artists-- I mean, Bing Crosby & David Bowie?!
"Peace On Earth"-- U2-- Need I say more?
"Do They Know It's Christmas?"-- Band Aid-- Couldn't Resist-- Gotta have this one on the list-- simultaneously sappy and thought provoking-- I like that!
"Dominic the Italian Christmas Donkey"-- Huh? Don't ask. I was introduced to this one three Christmases ago by some D & Ders (That's a whole other post!) with a penchant for discovering obscure films and music. This is the ultimate "Nerd's Carol."

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Multicultural Family Christmas Traditions

Well, folks, today's Christmas Eve. Tonight, I'm going with the fam to a local Mexican restaurant. It's a tradition we started when we lived in Texas. A major holiday custom in Latino culture is to have a progressive dinner. That's a deal where each course of the holiday meal is partaken of in a different person's home. I grew up in a diverse Disciples of Christ church in which we adapted some of the seasonal customs of the Catholic church. For example, we lit Advent candles. Also, a church member would add one figure to the Nativity scene at a time, with the Baby Jesus being added last on Christmas Eve. Accordingly, Felize Navidad, y'all!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Not Dreaming of a White Christmas

We had freezing rain all day today. I'm actually not looking forward to a "White Christmas." Last winter sucked, and I hope we don't have a repeat. Unfortunately, that appears very likely. Despite the less than ideal weather, I am excited about Christmas this year and am hopeful and optimistic about the coming new year.

Monday, December 22, 2008


If you've been on suite101 in the past couple days, you'll notice I haven't written that Hillary article yet. I've decided to wait until after the holidays to write any new articles. In other news, I made the mistake of getting out to do Christmas shopping today. The stores are madhouses! Next year, I think I'm doing all my shopping online.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Presidential Stocking Stuffers

Just returned from a Christmas soiree at my beloved Aunt Cindy's house. She gave me a vintage-style politically themed stocking stuffer/day planner. There are several presidential campaign slogans printed on the back. Thus, here's what past presidents and candidates have said to sway voters:
A time for Greatness-- 1960 John F. Kennedy
Are you Better Off Now Than You Were Four Years Ago?-- 1980 Ronald Reagan
Back to Normalcy-- 1920 Warren G. Harding
Ross For Boss-- 1992 H. Ross Perot
Don't Swap Horses in Midstream-- 1864 Abraham Lincoln
Four More Years of the Full Dinner Pail-- 1900 William McKinley
It's Morning Again in America-- 1984 Ronald Reagan
A Leader, For a Change-- 1976 Jimmy Carter
Government Of, By, and For the People, Not the Monied Interests-- 2000 Ralph Nader
He Kept Us Out of War-- 1916 Woodrow Wilson
I propose a New Deal-- 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt
In Your Heart, You Know He's Right-- 1964 Barry Goldwater
Keep Cool and Keep Coolidge-- 1924 Calvin Coolidge
A Chicken in Every Pot, A Car in Every Garage-- 1928 Herbert Hoover
Moving America Forward-- 2004 George W. Bush
Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow-- 1992 Bill Clinton
Kinder, Gentler Nation-- 1988 George H.W. Bush
For the Future-- 1960 Richard Nixon
The Stakes Are Too High For You To Stay At Home-- 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson
Peace and Prosperity-- 1956 Dwight Eisenhower
America Needs a Change-- 1984 Walter Mondale
(Apparently, the American voter has always had a tendency to respond to promises of change.)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Present Idea

Got a music fan in your life? Well, then, he/she might enjoy No Direction Home (Paramount, 2005), the wonderful Martin Scorsese documentary about the amazing life of Bob Dylan. The film tracks its subject's path to super-stardom by interweaving footage and interviews from Dylan's "Voice of a Generation" phase and his rebellious, sometimes rude "Rock Star" phase. This is a must-own DVD for any aficianado of the" The Bard." I especially enjoyed the political commentary and discussion. Incidentally-- and not surprisingly-- Bob's a huge Barack supporter. That only makes me a bigger fan.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Suite Preview

If anyone's interested, I'm planning on publishing another article on suite101 tomorrow. I've decided to write about Hillary. I think the timeliness of such an article will help score some page views as well as revenue. We shall see!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Something to Think About

When I got home from work this afternoon, I zoned out in front of the TV and watched Dr. Phil. Tomorrow's show is going to be about this nation's inability to care for its wounded veterans. The main focus of the episode is the issues facing those who've served in Iraq and their families. God knows we need to find a way out of that mess.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Poem

Well, my poem was published yesterday on You can read it-- as well as some interesting comments about it-- on the site's opinion page. To all the negative commentary, I say, "Whatever!"

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

That's a big shock!

According to a new report, outgoing veep Dick Cheney admitted recently that we'd be in Iraq even if there was no suspicion Iraq was harboring WMDs. Wow! An evil, self-aggrandizing politician admitting to being evil and self-aggrandizing-- what a novel concept. BTW, anyone detect the slightest hint of sarcasm in this post?

Monday, December 15, 2008

Who will replace Hillary?

Caroline Kennedy will more than likely pursue Hillary's vacant New York Senate seat. I like Caroline and feel that she has worked to preserve her family's legacy while distinguishing herself as an accomplished Democratic woman in her own right. As for the former First Lady, I think she'll be a decent Secretary of State.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

More Scandal-Related News

I heard today that Blago may resign as early as tomorrow. This is the most ethical solution to the problem. Blago must resign or be promptly impeached. After all, Barack has enough to worry about without all this.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Prez-elect and the Blago Scandal

This week, Barack publicly announced that he believes Blago should resign. The neo-cons are trying to tie the prez-elect to the scandal, which is beyond uncalled for. Barack got to where he is through hard work and determination. He was in no way, shape, or form in on the deal. Furthermore, he is not a puppet of the Chicago political machine. Most importantly, most Dems in Springfield believe Blago is corrupt and mentally ill. So, there!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Follow Christ's Example this holiday season

"Democracy in Action Series,"
Pt. IV:
"Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace (Luke 2:14 NIV)." This Bible verse is often quoted and inscribed on countless greeting cards this time of year. Unfortunately, there is not too much peace in the world right now. In a sense, this lovely Hallmark sentiment has been reduced to a hollow, meaningless platitude. The true meaning of Christmas has been obscured by a spirit of political and religious infighting and rampant materialism. This has led to our infinite entanglement in a historical and moral disaster. Ironically, this unrest is occurring in the birthplace of the most influential and polarizing historical and religious figure, Jesus Christ. Throughout this series, I have proposed a variety of solutions that could be applied as a means of getting us out of our predicament (i.e, Iraq). These solutions are both political and personal in nature.
The political solutions, for example, pertain to current national issues as well as international affairs and foreign policy. First, I encouraged readers to support U.S.-led peace talks with Iran, Turkey, and Palestine. Secondly, I asserted that America is in dire need of civil disobedience and a widespread anti-war movement. Thirdly, I argued that in order to support our troops and honor veterans, we need to bring them home and even drafted a possible resolution. I also emphasized the importance of supporting President-elect Barack Obama and his cabinet. In this fourth and final essay, I will reiterate my belief that we need to persuade our legislators to pass bills that will bring an end to this illegal, immoral war and that those responsible get their comeuppance. These things, done in tandem, will suffice as political solutions.
Next, I proposed a plethora of personal solutions. I provided readers with a booklist, practical applications, and websites. What I will offer here, however, is not so tangible. We have to be honest with ourselves; the primary reason for out involvement in the Middle East conflict is greed. Sadly, this greed is never more prevalent than on one of the most supposedly sacred of Christian holidays-- Christmas. In this era of conspicuous consumption, instant gratification, get-rich-quick schemes, and omnipresent images of vapid pop-culture icons (not to mention mega-churches and the Prosperity Gospel), we need people who will stand up and be iconoclasts. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition defines iconoclast as "n one who attacks settled beliefs or institutions." Perhaps no one personifies this definition more than Jesus Christ. In his revolutionary "Sermon on the Mount," Christ commands his followers to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9). What better way is there to celebrate the Savior's birth than to seek peace in our own lives? This can be done by living simply, being charitable and compassionate toward others, and yes, challenging our "settled beliefs and institutions." Finding peace within ourselves will allow us to create peace in the world.
This holiday season as well as year-round, let us recapture the genuine essence of Christmas. In order to do so, we should follow Christ's example and disabuse ourselves of our bourgeois, "more-is-more" mindset and actively take umbrage with the establishment that perpetuates it. We should instead focus on loving one another (John 13:34-5) and not learning war anymore (Isaiah 2:4). In other words, it is time to actually give peace a chance.
"Turn from all known sin and spend your time in doing good. Try to live in peace with everyone; work hard at it (Psalms 34:14)."

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Barack's Vets' Affairs Secretary

I almost forgot to mention this week that Barack chose Ret. U.S. Army Gen. Eric Shinseki to be his Secretary of Veterans' Affairs. Shinseki is a decorated Vietnam vet. More importantly, Shinseki told Dubya point blank that the administration's Iraq strategy was hideously flawed. Needless to say, I'm very happy that Barack chose Shinseki for this position.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Suite Update

Be sure to read my latest suite101 pieces, "Angelica Singleton Van Buren: Popular Substitute First Lady" and "Louisa Adams in Saint Petersburg: The Life of a Diplomat's Wife." Angelica Singleton Van Buren was Dolley Madison's first cousin and 8th president Martin Van Buren's daughter-in-law. The second article is about Louisa Adams' (wife of 6th president John Quincy) miserable years in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm so surprised!

I guess y'all know about Gov. Blago. He got busted today by the FBI for conspiring to auction off Barack's Senate seat to the highest bidder. How disrespectful to Barack is that? I mean, Barack worked hard to get where he is, and this jerkwad, Blago, thinks that the now-prez-elect's (Hallelujah!) successor can just coast on some perceived mythological notoriety. Shame! Honestly, though, who didn't see this sort of thing coming?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Another Day That Will Live in Infamy

As most of y'all already know, yesterday was Pearl Harbor Day. Today is the anniversary of the assassination of John Lennon. I'm paying tribute tonight by watching Imagine. This DVD covers Lennon's life from childhood to playing at the Cavern Club in Liverpool to Beatlemania to his activism and near deportation to his untimely death in NYC on Dec. 8, 1980. I highly recommend it.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Let me Explain

Remember that Barack poem I published right after the election? Well, I plan on submitting it to my local newspaper sometime this week. So, the explanation I promised should be available for your viewing pleasure on in the very near future.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

My Opinion

Did y'all see the MTV documentary Britney: For the Record? She may be doing a little bit better, but that girl still has a long way to go. Just my opinion!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday Night Freak Out

I'm watching Most Haunted Live atm. The Travel Channel show's British hosts have crossed the pond to historic Gettysburg. Being both a history buff and supernatural phenomena enthusiast, I'm rather intrigued.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Just as the nation is changing, I'm also changing. I've embarked upon a job search via Keep ya'll posted!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A First Lady's Legacy

Check out my latest suite101 article. It's called "Abigail Fillmore: A Legacy of Literacy Awareness." Mrs. Fillmore's husband was a lame president, mainly due to his stance on the slavery issue, but she used her love of reading and learning to educate the public. For this, Abigail Fillmore is worthy to be included in my First Ladies article series.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

Okay, I'm feeling a bit more Christmas-y today. This morning I listened to carols and turned my lights on while I was getting ready for work. Also, we got some snow this weekend (very minimal accumulation, but still helped set the mood). Speaking of work, I'm soo ready for this semester to be over. But that's another post.

What I Would Have Posted Yesterday

You may have noticed that there was no post yesterday. That's because I didn't have Internet access yesterday. It's like, "All I Want for Christmas Is My Computer De-bugged!" Anyway, I would've posted something like this: 'Still trying to get into the Christmas spirit. Not quite there yet.' And there you have it, folks-- yesterday's post.