Saturday, December 19, 2009

How a Little Christmas Present Became a Big Part of My Life

Way, way back on Christmas 1999, I received a present that changed my life in a number of ways. The positively life-altering gift? Answer: Billy Blanks' Original Tae-Bo Workout set on VHS (y'all remember VHS, right?). Anyway, I have long since given away all but one of the four tapes in this collection-- I still use the one tape I kept regularly-- but I have rediscovered the complete set on DVD, courtesy of Billy Blanks is an inspiration, and the four workouts provide you with the holistic (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc.) fitness experience. He has released many other workouts in the past 10 years, but the originals are his all-time best. Accordingly, I will discuss them in this post.

The Four Original Tae-Bo Workouts & My Usual Commentary:

1.) Instructional Workout-- This 40-min. intro to the world-famous martial-arts-style workout program isn't really much of a workout. It's simply a tutorial that teaches those new to the method about alignment and proper technique. I've actually done it a couple times since receiving the compilation DVD as a refresher course. (Actually, you can get a sort-of workout from Instructional if you go all out on the kicks. Just don't rely solely on it for exercise, because Blanks & Co. only work one side of the body to demonstrate the moves, plus it's too slow to provide any real fitness benefits.)

2.) Tae-Bo Basic-- When you're feeling a bit more confident, give Basic a whirl. This 30-min. workout is a workout. More importantly, it's a good one that only takes half an hour. (What more could a gal ask for?!) Anyway, you're treated to an energizing mix of punches and kicks and Blanks' patented spiritually tinged (but not heavy-handed) words of wisdom. The tai-chi cool-down alone makes this workout worthwhile. Great for those busy workdays when you want to burn calories and work up a sweat-- but don't have all day to do so. (I've been getting up at 5 a.m. to squeeze this in on my glorious, teaching-at-8 a.m. days.)

3.) Advanced Tae-Bo-- All y'all have to know about this 55-min. aero/tone workout is that it's awesome and tough! First, you sweat your way through approx. 30 mins. of kicks and punches. Then, it's about 15 mins. of intense ab work. (After over a decade of serious working out and experimenting with just about every fitness trend in the universe, I actually have some semblance of ab muscles at almost 30 years of age, thanks largely in part to doing this tape on a regular basis. This is the one I pull off the shelf when I want a challenge or feel that I need to tone up and/or drop a few pounds. Does the trick every time!) Finally, there's a 10-min. squat-and-stretch cool-down in which Billy provides more of his heart-felt spiritual motivation (e.g. "Tap into a higher power.")-- which, trust me, is necessary after completing this routine. If you're wanting to take your fitness regime to the next level, then this is the video for you. One word of caution, however: Make absolute dang sure that you've mastered Instructional and Basics before moving on to this workout. I learned that little lesson the hard way. LOL!

4.) 8-Minute Workout-- Okay, it sounds great in theory: An uber-mini workout with maximum intensity and subsequent results. Unfortunately, the practical application leaves a little to be desired. Still, this brief routine does pack a passable punch-- literally!-- and a little something is always better than nothing. If you're really pressed for time, do this for some half-way decent cardio benefits.

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