Sunday, December 6, 2009

Creative Fitness Options

Over the Thanksgiving weekend, I mentioned a kickboxing DVD from the CIA (Creative Instructors Aerobics) 2900 series. In today's post, I'm going to discuss CIA 2901, 2902, 2903, and 2904.

Workout DVDs & Commentary:

CIA 2901: Kickbox Surge & Core with Amy Bento-- I'm slightly familiar with Bento's workouts and fun-loving teaching style, as I own her Hi/Lo Extreme and Advanced Step Challenge DVDs, which are, well, challenging. This workout is just as challenging, primarily since the aerobics choreography is complex and the kickboxing "surges" are fast-paced, to say the very least. As for the core-training segment, you use a medicine ball to execute some killer moves that will have your abs begging for mercy.

CIA 2902: Step Surge with Tonya Larson-- Here, upbeat instructor Larson leads a two-woman (one of whom is pregnant and demonstrating modifications) class through a rigorous step/interval workout. The choreography is once again complex, and the dumbbell-enhanced toning surges made me feel the burn. For the toning intervals that are interwoven into the cardio combos, 3-8-lb. weights are recommended. (I prefer to use 5-lb. ones.) I don't know when I'll fully master this workout, but one thing is clear: this ain't your mom's step workout! The thing I like best about this DVD is that the music is anything but old-school elevator. For example, the warm-up song is K.C. Tunstall's "Black Horse and the Cherry Tree." The cool-down stretch is also pretty good.

CIA 2903: Stepping Up with Seasun Zieger-- First of all, the music on this DVD is awesome! The soundtrack consists of funky, sassy "girl power" tunes, such as Pink's "So What," Lady Gaga's "Poker Face," and Duffy's "Mercy." Secondly, the choreography is tricky, but it's a little more athletic (which is good for me) than that of CIA 2902. Finally, the toning section, which utilizes the step and light (approx. 3 lbs.) dumbells is tough but ultimately doable.

CIA 2904: Cardio Combat Surge with Kimberly Spreen-- Okay, this is that DVD I mentioned in my Fri., Nov. 27 post, and it's by far my favorite of the four. Instructor Kimberly Spreen rocks, and so does this workout. For starters, it's athletic as opposed to dancy. (I feel that athletic choreography is more compatible with my body type than the dancy variety.) Also, you get to use some interesting equipment-- a body bar and a medicine ball, to be exact-- to perform some unique, stress-relieving moves. (See Nov. 27, 2009, post for more details.) Most importantly, this DVD has a definite alternative fitness feel. There is a 15-20-min. fusion stretch at the end that is absolutely delightful. (Note: This workout is about 90 mins. long, but the chapter menu is designed so that you can easily split up the main workout (approx. 70 mins.) and the concluding fusion stretch if you're pressed for time.)

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