Friday, December 25, 2009

So (once again!), this is Christmas...

Yes, it's Christmas (or whatever holiday y'all celebrate) once again. I'm just reflecting on 2009 atm. It ended up being a half-way decent year in the Ashleyverse-- personally and politically. (I started grad school, my job situation improved, and, imho, the country's finally headed in the right direction.) I know there's still a lot of work left to do, but at least we'll more than likely have healthcare. The war's (as in the cluster o' conflicts in the Middle East) not over yet, but with our help, the president can begin to make that goal a reality in 2010. Remember: War is over (if we want it). Anyway, I'm going to spend today with my mom's side of the family. I'm sure it'll be characteristically interesting. Of course, I'll observe and report and fill y'all in on all the details later. Alright, I know everyone has places to go and people to see, so I'll keep this post as brief as possible. That said, peace to all for Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Al-Hijra/Winter Solstice/Festivus, etc., '09.

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