Saturday, December 26, 2009

'Twas the day after Christmas...

Today is December 26, the day after Christmas. More importantly, it's Boxing Day. What is Boxing Day, you may be asking? Well, according to Wikipedia, it's a holiday that's celebrated in England, Canada, and Australia, and a few other countries on which, traditionally speaking, the gentry switches places with servants of the manor. The day is so named, because presents are typically given to the needy and those in service positions. In the military, officers switch places with enlisted personnel. (I learned about this custom from a M*A*S*H episode called "'Twas the Day After Christmas (#10.9, to be exact)" in which a British contingent of officers visits the 4077 at Christmas and suggests that their American counterparts adopt Boxing Day customs in order to boost morale and combat the war-induced ennui that has set in in the camp. Col. Potter takes the suggestion to heart, and the 4077's officers switch places with their enlisted comrades in arms, which yields some hilarious results. Winchester and Margaret on KP? LOL!) The holiday has sort of caught on "across the pond," and Americans who live near the Canadian border have begun to celebrate Boxing Day. Since I'm enamored with all things British, I'm also observing this occasion. I think I might possibly use it as an impetus to attend to a few domestic duties this weekend. (Uhh... we'll see about that!) Anyway, regardless of what holidays you celebrate-- Happy Boxing Day!

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