Friday, November 27, 2009

Top-5 Ashleyverse Alternative Fitness Activities

In order to offset the negative side effects of holiday indulgences-- as well as the stress of preparing for my very grad-level research proposal presentation-- I'm indulging my passion for alternative fitness this lovely Thanksgiving weekend. Below is a list of my Top-5 fave alternative fitness activities and my feelings on them. I'll even recommend a few DVDs.
1.) Yoga-- I can't say enough positive things about this activity. As I've mentioned several times previously, I'm really into advanced power yoga at present. For beginners to intermediates, I recommend Kathy Smith's Yoga Sculpt. For those wanting to take their practice to the next level, Mark Blanchard's Progressive Power Yoga Series DVDs are the way to go. (See my Nov. 8, 2009, post for more details.)
2.) Pilates-- This exercise method is fab for those who want to sculpt non-bulky, dancer-like muscles. Mari Winsor's workouts are a great intro, while Rael Isacowitz's System 17 and System 27 DVDs transport your Pilates experience to a whole new dimension. (Again, check out my Nov. 8 post.)
3.) Kickboxing-- An awesome alternative to traditional aerobics. Kathy Smith's Cardio Knockout compilation disc rocks. Of course, you can't go wrong with Billy Blanks' Original Tae-Bo set, which consists of a 40-min. instructional workout, a 30-min. basic workout, a 55-min. advanced workout, and a turbo-charged 8-min. workout for when you're short on time but still want to get your Tae-Bo fix for the day. I've been doing Tae-Bo for 10 years, and it's the best. Finally, for a unique variation on this Ashleyverse fave fitness routine, try CIA [Creative Instructors' Aerobics] 2904: Cardio Combat Surge with Kimberly Spreen in which you use a body bar to simulate Asian martial-arts-style stickfighting for a simultaneously centering and invigorating East-meets-West exercise experience.
4.) Fusion Workouts-- When it comes to this category of fitness routine, there is only one name you need to know: Jennifer Kries. In her New Pilates Method videos, Ms. Kries combines Pilates, yoga, light-weight strength training, and classical ballet for an absolutely amazing workout experience. (For more info, search my blog archives for my Feb. 27, 2009, post.)
5.) Powerwalking-- My old standby. This is the form of exercise that started it all for me way, way back in my high school days. In fact, I just powerwalked this afternoon in the crisp autumn air. It was glorious! LOL! Anyway, in order to make a walk a powerwalk, you've got to move fast and really pump those arms and legs. No special equipment is required, and the technique is pretty easy to master. In order to maximize this truly effective (and economical!) workout, try to walk in an area with hilly terrain. The biggest benefit of powerwalking, however, is of the mental/spiritual variety. Being one with nature clears your mind and rejuvenates you. So, lace up those walkin' shoes and get movin'!

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