Wednesday, November 4, 2009

News and Views on Election Day '09

It was one year ago today that we, the American people, elected Barack Obama to be our 44th president. Today the naysayers are claiming that all the excitement surrounding last fall's big election, which propelled Obama to the White House, is now no more than "lukewarm support." The main reason they're saying this is that the GOP scored major victories over Dem oponents in the New Jersey and Virginia gubernatorial races. (Yes, folks, I called 'em wrong! Oops!) Critics are also saying that these Repub wins put Obama's 2012 (as well as House and Senate Dems' 2010 mid-term election) re-election possibilities in serious jeopardy.

Analysis and Rebuttal: This is hogwash! These GOP wins have nothing to do with President Obama. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs even said so this morning. The elections of Chris Christie in New Jersey and Bob McDonnell in Virginia were largely the result of the anger and outright fanaticism of the GOP's far-right, teabaggin' lunatic fringe. The majority of the American people realize this, and the Repubs' reactionary campaign strategy will most certainly backfire in 2010 and 2012.

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