Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Daily Amusements

Alright, I've got some news for y'all: I found out yesterday that there are not any GA positions available for spring 2010. That's okay with me, though. I already have teaching jobs lined up here in Olney, plus EIU holds GA apps for an entire academic year. I've also registered for two EIU classes for next semester-- 19th-Century American Literature (yay!) and a topics-and-issues-in-English-studies (or something like that) class. Most importantly, I've got the England trip to look forward to next summer. In the meantime, I'm following that oft-quoted (at least in the Ashleyverse) bit of cowboy logic: "If you only want one thing in life, that one thing is liable to be a disappointment." Also, to once again quote the immortal words of Gus McCrae, I'm trying to "learn to enjoy the lil' everyday things in life."
Speaking of daily amusements, I was home between classes earlier today and caught the View "interview" with former Miss California USA Carrie Prejean. Folks, it was absolutely comically disastrous. The decrowned beauty queen is back in the news following the release of a sex tape that Ms. Prejean made when she was 17. Of course, she now claims to be a born-again Christian and that her religious beliefs cost her the big crown. In terms of the religion part of that, that's between Carrie and God. As for losing the Miss USA pageant, gimme a break. Also, I heard through the info grapevine that is Yahoo! News a while back that Prejean was going to embark on a career as a conservative political activist. If that's the case, she better educate herself on the subject pretty dang fast. I mean, the girl didn't understand Proposition 8. (For those in the same predicament, Prop 8 repealed the legality of same-sex marriage in California. Oh, the irony!) Finally, Prejean couldn't even answer the questions posed to her properly and refused to accept responsibility for her actions. For example, Elisabeth Hasselbeck brought up the fact that if Carrie indeed made said sex tape at the the tender age of 17, then that was illegal. I never thought I'd say this, but I actually agree with Hasselbeck here.
Okay, back to talking about creative, positive, wonderful things. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and President Obama in order to begin peace talks. That's the one really big thing I'm extremely happy about today. And, yes, I will have much more to say about this item in the very near future.
Well, I must re-enter the "real world (which poet e.e. cummings referred to as the "unworld")" to teach my remedial reading and English class now. Namaste!
P.S. The cummings reference was a preview of coming attractions for tomorrow's Veteran's Day-themed post.

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