Monday, November 30, 2009

My Feelings on the Latest Round of Negative Press Surrounding President Obama (and Angelina Jolie)

Well, folks, the Right's at it again. This time, they've launched a smear campaign against the prez in which they're trying to expose the seven dirty little secrets Obama doesn't want told to the public. If this was an Enquirer headline, I'd be able to blow it off, but alas, this was a Politico one. Now, I hear that Angelina Jolie is an Obama hater as well. Y'know what?: Screw the press-- and screw Angelina Jolie! Our president is doing the best he can to resolve a mess he inherited (key word, people). The main criticism among the Right is that the idealism that propelled the Obama camp to victory last year has given way to cynical realism. (Perish the thought!) Heaven forbid that our leaders should revise their policies upon realizing that the situation is much different than they previously expected. What would the naysayers rather have-- a president who continues disastrous policies long after even members of his own party have told him that his strategy isn't working? Oh, wait a minute-- we had such a leader for eight years, and we all see how well that worked. Okay, it's time to return to the Ashleyverse to teach English and write research papers. Methinks that, from now on, I'll rely on alternative (read: reality-based, unbiased) news sources.

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