Saturday, November 28, 2009

More Crazy, Weird News-- Plus How I'm Getting Ready for Christmas

Well, folks, it's Thansgiving weekend, and lots of us are preparing for the yuletide onslaught in a variety of ways. I've been listening to Christmas carols and getting a few laughs in this morning, courtesy of Alec Baldwin's schwetty balls. (Seriously, who else could've pulled off that skit?) I'm also going to put my tree up. As always, I'd like to know how the rest of y'all are prepping for the holidays.

In addition to all the holiday hoopla, there's lots of crazy, weird news happening atm. And, yes, y'all will be treated to my totally uncensored opinions on all of it right here. First up, there's the White House party crashers story. Michaele and Tariq Salahi actually got past the Secret Service and got their picture taken with President Obama. Unshockingly, this opportunistic (in a negative way) couple is trying to land a reality show. I swear, we've become such a sycophantic society. Egads! I want to meet President Obama someday (I've actually been in the same room with him)-- but for the right reasons. Anyway, there's a Washington Post article ( about these losers-- and, surprise! surprise!-- their lives are filled with lawsuits and debt and an ugly family feud. I guess things ain't always what they appear to be, huh?

The other item I want to discuss is the Adam Lambert/American Music Awards brouhaha. Y'know what, people? If you don't like what you're watching, turn the dang channel. As far as I'm concerned, FOX News is the most offensive thing on TV. Of course, the neocons who rail against the likes of Mr. Lambert fail to realize this. Instead, FOX (ironically, the network that broadcasts American Idol) affiliates broadcast war coverage like it's the Superbowl. (Then again, I just turn the channel if I don't like what I see. Furthermore, I'm usually too busy living an actual life to even really care what's on TV.) I think that for every time they show images of people making war on each other, there should be an equal number of images of people making love shown on TV to balance things out. As for Mr. Lambert, I loved his response to the controversy and feel that he had no need to apologize for anything whatsoever.

Alright, back to my discussion of nice, happy, Christmas-y things. I wish y'all the most peaceful, love-filled, and happy holiday season ever. (FYI, I'm still wishing for peace on earth; Johnny Depp would be nice, too. I know the former will take a lot of doing, and the latter is a virtual impossibility. A gal can dream, though!)

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