Friday, November 13, 2009

More 2012 Predictions

I heard this morning that President Obama's approval rating is now 46%. (Is this some lame attempt on the part of FAUX News political analysts to actually, well, analyze the current political situation?) At one point, the media vultures were harping on the fact that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had a higher approval rating than the president. I don't buy into all the negative spin, folks. All this boils down to is that the Repub/Neo-con haters who are perpetuating it are just trying to drum up public support for the 2012 GOP agenda. This feeble attempt will ultimately backfire. I predict that an unparalleled scandal will rock the Republican Party sometime between now and the 2012 election. Speaking of which, excerpts of Sarah Palin's so-called autobiography, Going Rogue, have been leaked over the Web. Critics are slamming the book-- which Palin probably didn't even write herself-- as "whiny." I swear, y'all, I think I need to go into politics. I think I could do more good than most of those yahoos put together. Alright, I'm just going to put this out there to the universe: I have been seriously considering embarking upon a political career. How's that for spreading good vibes on this Friday the 13th?

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