Saturday, November 7, 2009

Bonus Lonesome Dove Quotes

As I promised y'all last weekend, I'm gonna post some bonus Lonesome Dove quotes on here today. Enjoy!
Best Bonus Quotes from Pt. I: Leaving:
1.) "If you wanna think somethin', why don't ya think that roof back on the barn, instead of sittin' in the shade all the time?"-- Capt. Call, dissing Capt. McCrae's chronic laziness
2.) "Well, she ain't lookin' at ya 'cause she loves ya."-- Gus, teasing Woodrow about trying to break a wild mare dubbed the "Hell Bitch."
3.) "I'll tell ya what: You ride up there, clear out the Indians, build a lil' cabin, get a nice lil' fire goin' in the fireplace, and then me and Jake'll gather a herd and come on up."-- Gus, basically telling Woodrow that he isn't that enthusiastic about the prospect of going on a cattledrive to Montana
4.) "I'd like to see the herd you and Jake could gather. A herd of whores-- maybe."-- Woodrow's response to the line posted above
5.) A twofer: "I swear, Gus, you'd argue with a possum."-- Woodrow during the "Mexico" scene; "It'd be easier than arguin' with you, Woodrow."-- Gus' very Gus-like rebuttal
Best Bonus Quotes from Pt. II: On the Trail:
1.) "I do not ride animals. It is not civilized. Are we not animals also? How would you like it if someone rode you?"-- camp cook Po Campo, discussing his philosophical reason for walking instead of riding horses or burros
2.) "Now, the only healthy way to live life as I see it is to learn to enjoy all the lil' everyday things-- like a sip of good whiskey, a nice glass of buttermilk, or, say, a feisty gentleman like myself!"-- an awesome Gus-ism from one the film's best scenes, the one in which he tries to cheer Lorie up after she realizes that Jake won't take her to San Francisco
3.) "You're not gonna get halfway down the road and start missin' your wife like our last cook, are ya?"-- Woodrow, hiring Po Campo in San Antonio, and referencing the fact that former cook Bolivar left to return to his wife in Mexico
4.) Another twofer: "What I like about the man is that he's a philosopher."-- Gus' first impression of Po Campo; "Oh, yeah, I hired him to give you someone to talk to. That'll free the rest of us up. Maybe we'll get a little work done."-- Woodrow's rebuttal. This says it all about the differences between Gus and Woodrow's personalities.
5.) "They don't know it yet, but the wrath of the Lord is about descend upon 'em come nightfall."-- Gus says this after he finds out that Blue Duck and his cohorts have captured his "Lorie Darlin'" in North Texas. Also, this is the point at which the main plot and subplot merge, for Gus meets up with July Johnson, who is looking for Jake Spoon.
Best Quotes from Pt. III: The Plains:
1.) "A man who'll go along with three murders is takin' leavin' a little slow."-- Gus, telling Jake (who claims that he was planning to exticate himself from his new "friends") that he's crossed the line by going along with the crimes of the Suggs Gang, whom Jake fell in with while gambling, drinking, and carousing in the Oklahoma Territory
2.) "If there's one thing I'll say for ya, son, it's that yer the kinda man who's a pleasure to hang. If all you can talk is guff, then go talk it to the Devil!"-- A Gus line from the emotionally powerful hanging scene in which the Suggs brothers and Jake are hung in Kansas. Gus says this to gang leader Dan Suggs.
3.) "Yeah, I know Woodrow-- and I detest him!"-- Clara, telling Gus point blank how she feels about Capt. Call during the Nebraska picnic scene
4.) "Aye God, yer sassy!"-- Gus, bantering with Clara after she "tomahawks" him.
5.) "Me and Woodrow always like to get where we're goin', even if it don't make a damn bit of sense."-- This is what Gus tells Clara and Lorie as he's saddling up to head off to the supposed "Cattlemen's Paradise" that is Montana.
Best Bonus Quotes from Pt. IV: Return:
1.) "What the Hell's wrong with you boys? Don't you know Call hired y'all for life?"-- Here, Gus overhears the young cowpokes whining and complaining and is clearly irked by their attitudes.
2.) "Yer a travelin' son of a bitch, ain't ya?"-- Hugh Auld, a frontier doctor who tries to offer medical assistance to Gus (in the form of a leg amputation) after Gus is shot by Indians with a poisonous arrow. A semi-conscious Gus is telling Hugh his life story.
3.) "I suppose you're gonna want a fancy funeral, too. Are you sure you don't want me to haul ya down to the South Pole and bury ya there?"-- This is what Woodrow says after a dying Gus requests to be buried in "Clara's Orchard" in Texas.
4.) "I ain't kin to nobody in this world, Pea!"-- This is Newt's declaration of being his own man, which he makes after Pea Eye tells Newt that Capt. Call "acted like you [Newt] was his kin" after Woodrow puts Newt in charge of the newly established ranch in Montana.
5.) "I'll never forget you, darlin'."-- This is a tear-jerker Lorie line. Lorie is staying up all night and keeping vigil over Gus' corpse after Woodrow has stopped off at Clara's ranch with Gus' remains in tow so that Clara and Lorie can "see" their beloved crazy old Texas Ranger one more time.

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