Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Predictions for Domestic Affairs and World Diplomacy in the New Year

While it would be completely redundant of me to say that President Obama has a diplomatic mess on his hands, I do want to reiterate my belief that he will begin to resolve certain aspects of it in 2010. First, I believe that our president will continue to make headway in regards to the Middle East peace process. Secondly, I think Obama will ultimately prove himself worthy of that Nobel Peace Prize by trying to get U.S. troops out of both Iraq and Afghanistan within the year-and-a-half timetable that he has set for withdrawal from these countries. (I know this one sounds rather lofty, especially since a number of world leaders, including France's Nicolas Sarkozy, are now "anti-Obama," but I remain cautiously optimistic.) In addition, I predict that the Dems will retain their majority in Congress and that this turn of events will bolster the peoples' support for the president's progressive agenda. (According to recent reports, the GOP is not doing well financially, which could seriously hurt the party's chances for victory in the November mid-term elections.) Finally-- and perhaps most importantly-- Obama will inevitably turn our economy around for the better. So, those are my political predictions for 2010. Now, let's get busy helping our president make them a reality!

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