Monday, January 4, 2010

Just Another Miscellaneous Monday Post

Okay, folks, I made good on one of my New Year's resolutions today by cleaning the paper clutter out of my house and car. I feel soooo much better now! Unfortunately, I also managed to spill piping hot McDonald's coffee all over the front passenger-side floorboard after hitting a speed bump while pulling out of the parking lot. Now, my whole car smells like fresh coffee, which isn't necessarily a bad thing in the Ashleyverse. BTW, did y'all know that when you spill piping hot McDonald's coffee in your car, the whole dang thing becomes a virtual sauna? Again, that's not necessarily a bad thing, especially on a wintry January day like today. Anyway, at least I got rid of the clutter, and I'm enjoying my newly clean, if not very aromatic, Volkswagen tremendously.
Also (and this is totally off-topic, BTW), remember that couple who crashed the White House dinner party back in November? Well, now it's been discovered that there was a third uninvited guest. I swear... everybody's entitled to "achieve" his or her 15 mins. of fame, but couldn't these idiots have at least done so in an ethical manner?! Speaking of the White House, its current residents have returned from their Hawaiian holiday vacation, which apparently wasn't too much of one. Oh, well, at least the Obamas didn't cut the vacation short on account of being recognized.
Alright, that concludes this miscellaneous Monday post. Namaste, ya'll!

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