Friday, August 14, 2009

Stranded for a Good Cause

Well, folks, I've been stranded for the past few days. Let me clarify: My car is in a repair shop. (There was an issue with the timing belt (whatever that is--lol!), and the engine was overheating (yikes!).) Actually, I'm rather grateful that this is the case. First of all, it's created an opportunity for me to incorporate a little extra exercise into my daily routine, courtesy of walks to the local grocery store, which is just a few blocks from my house. Secondly, this situation has forced me to slow down a bit and reflect, something I admittedly haven't done a whole lot of during the past eight weeks in my quest for higher education. In addition, I've had to bum rides off friends and family, which has helped me foster the spirit of interconnectedness that is so vital to our existence. Also, I'm being eco-friendly, since I'm not emitting toxins into the atmosphere, not to mention the fact that I didn't have to spend money on gas this week. (The timing couldn't have been better, because I don't have to go to Charleston again until the 27th.) Thus, I suppose I've upped my universal karma rating a tad by going green. Finally, this minor "inconvenience" has made me more appreciative of what I have in this life-- health and a strong support network. In other words, everything one needs to make it and then some. Basically, this has made me realize that merely having material possessions isn't where it's at. Still, I'm looking forward to getting my baby, er, car back.

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