Monday, February 8, 2010

She had 'em at 'hope-y, change-y stuff': Analysis of Sarah Palin's Nashville Tea Party Convention "Speech"

Okay, as I promised yesterday, I'm going to provide an in-depth analysis of Sarah Palin's so-called Tea Party Convention speech. Here goes: it was bad, really bad. More specifically, Palin did her usual "practiced folksy" act (e.g. tossing in "you betchas," "god blesses," and creepy winks at whim; reading from notes scribbled on her hands). As for the audience, it was rather sparse, and-- surprise! surprise!-- it was comprised predominantly of old, white males. What was especially frightening, however, is the fact that the more idiotic Miss Alaska became, the more the crowd cheered her on. For example, she had the audacity to try to question Obama supporters by asking: "How's that hope-y, change-y stuff workin' for ya?"! For the record, Sarah, that 'hope-y, change-y' stuff's workin' just fine for me-- thank you very much. Finally, instead of proposing alternatives or solutions to the president's agenda, she just mocked him. (BTW, the last time I checked Obama definitely knows we're at war and is trying to get us out of it.) The bottom line is this: the Tea Party Movement is a passing fad. (Actually, I prefer the term 'epic fail.') Its adherents engage in a fuzzy interpretation of U.S. history (uhh... excuse me, folks, but wasn't it a conservative president who got us into this mess in the first place? Just askin'!) and are largely motivated by anger. Most importantly, Palin's speech at the convention only serves to expose the hypocrisy and willful ignorance of the Right. For these reasons, the Tea Party is almost over, and Palin will not become president. (I swear, I don't know who's had more fun at that woman's expense-- me or Tina Fey.)

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