Monday, February 15, 2010

Manic Monday News Round-Up-- Presidents' Day Edition

It's Presidents' Day, 2010, and there is so much news to observe and report on today. To begin, our current president is dealing with the escalating Afghanistan situation. (I'll discuss this issue further in a focused post later on this week.) Also in political news, Indiana senator Evan Bayh (D) is retiring from his post. Bayh is currently in the lead in the Hoosier State Senate race.

Next, the big world news right now is the Olympics. Last night, host country Canada cleaned up in the men's moguls event-- a sport that I find a bit frightening to watch (those aerial jumps!). In addition, U.S. figure skating pair Mark Ladwig and Amanda Evora won the gold medal last night. Finally, superstar speedskater Apolo Anton Ohno could wind up the most decorated American Winter Olympics athlete ever.

Lastly, in Manic Monday news, the University of Alabama-- Huntsville shooting story keeps on getting stranger. Amy Bishop, the highly eccentric (to say the least!) biology professor who shot six colleagues after being denied tenure, is apparently not a first-time offender. It has been revealed that Bishop "accidentally" shot her 18-year-old brother to death in the family's Braintree, Mass., home back in 1986. According to reports, those who know Bishop say that she is "intelligent, but odd, and cannot deal with reality." Well, obviously!

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