Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Reading List for 02/02/10

Hello, everybody! It's Groundhog's Day, and Ole Punxsutawney Phil has, by virtue of seeing his proverbial shadow, predicted six more weeks of winter (yuck!). Oh, well, let's just view this turn of events as approximately 42 more days until spring. (The weather's actually quite decent in my lil' neck o' the woods today.) How's that for putting a positive spin on everything?
More importantly, I'm wrapping up my reading of Hawthorne's Portable Tales and am about halfway through the final one-- "Rappaccini's Daughter (1844)"-- atm. In addition to "Young Goodman Brown (1835)," I also like "The Minister's Black Veil (1836)" and "The Birth-Mark (1843)." The latter short story deals with the tragic effects of the quest for physical perfection. Very timely subject matter! (Hmm... Maybe Heidi Montag-Pratt could benefit from reading this (if she could actually "get" it, that is). LOL!) Anyway, I have class tonight, and we're going to continue our discussion of Cooper's The Pioneers (double yuck!), as well talk about Hawthorne (yay!). So, that's what I'm reading on this not-so-yucky Groundhog's Day 2010. Namaste, y'all!

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