Monday, February 22, 2010

A Progressive Response to the Neocons' Attacks on President Obama at the 2010 CPAC Gathering

This past week, various conservative political and media figures convened for the annual CPAC (Conservative Political Action Committee) gathering. All the key speakers, including GOP presidential hopefuls Mitt Romney and Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty, ripped on President Obama for his alleged role in the current economic mess, among other things. Regardless of the issue at hand, the president just can't catch a break from conservatives.

THE PROGRESSIVE RESPONSE: Get some new material, people! We're all in this mess together, so it's going to take all of us working together to get out of it. This whole partisanship thing is out of control. In addition, we need a danged stimulus package, and Congress and the president need to work in tandem in order to cut wasteful spending (hint: no more wars!). We also need health care, which we'll probably get-- with or without the Repubs. (Who needs 'em, right?) Finally, we just have to realize that part and parcel of living in a representative democracy like America is that none of us is always going to like every aspect of every single piece of legislation that comes down the pike. That's just the way it is, folks. If you don't like it, then move to Afghanistan!

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