Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Personal Views on the President's Nobel Peace Prize

To begin, I'd like to preface this post by stating I've decided to wait until later this week to review The Libertine. I've decided that there's much more important stuff to talk about. One uber-important thing is the president's Nobel Peace Prize win. Of course, certain people have just had to put a negative spin on this. What the heck is wrong with people? It seems as though it's become sort of fashionable to diss those who have it going on in some way. I'm sorry, but having a president who is deemed worthy of such an honor by the international community is the best thing that could happen to the U.S. right now. As for this criticism that the prez hasn't done anything to deserve this award, all I've got to say is: 'Gimme a freakin' break!' I swear, some folks just can't be the least bit positive to save their lives. Fortunately, that's not my problem.

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