Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Current Events Roundup

I just read the craziest thing. Dick Cheney's daughter, Liz, has formed a reactionary political group called Keep America Safe. The organization's "mission statement" is to counteract the "radical foreign policy" of the Obama White House. Apparently, the new definition of "radical" is communicating with other nations and actually using diplomacy as opposed to creating enemies by destroying and invading them. I suppose this is some sort of ploy to appeal to Big Daddy's ultra-conservative voter base and drum up support for a potential presidential campaign next time around. Newsflash, honey: Politics and marketing work in tandem, and voters usually don't support candidates who scare the crap out of them. Just a tip.
In other news, Palestine and Gaza Strip allies are re-opening war crimes investigations against Israeli militants. Score one for our side!
In domestic happenings, President Obama is scheduled to push his biggest health-care reform measure to date sometime this week. Let's keep our fingers crossed about this one.
In Ashleyverse news, I'm getting ready start the heavy-duty part of my grad assistant app process. Again, let's keep our fingers crossed. Maybe this will prove to be a lucky 13th in the Ashleyverse and beyond.

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