Monday, October 5, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday

Yeah, this is a crazy day in the Ashleyverse. For starters, I'm teaching all afternoon and evening. I've also got a lot of stuff to do for school, mainly reading for a group project/modern adaptation of Thomas Shadwell's The Libertine (1675). I've got the movie version-- starring my "fantasy husband," Johnny Depp-- at home and will probably watch it tonight after I "land."
In addition, I'm mulling over a bunch of personal side projects in my head, like fall-and/or-Halloween-themed stuff for this blog. I'm seriously considering doing stuff related to literature, music, and movies. (Shocking, right?)
Anyway, speaking of tunes, did y'all see Lady Gaga on SNL this past weekend? Wow! I'm definitely a fan now. Continuing on the musical theme, for the past few days, I've had a strange compulsion to listen to Adam Lambert's version of Smokey Robinson's "The Tracks of My Tears" incessantly in my car. I never thought I'd be so nutso for an AI alumn. It's like, 'My name is Ashley W., and I'm a Glambert.' LOL!
Finally, I'm working on my Autumn, 2009 editorial for my local newspaper. In this installment, I will argue that Team Obama can pull off a successful reverse Southern strategy in 2012. I promise that, as always, I'll post it here in a couple days.
Well, folks, that concludes this manic Monday post. Take Care!

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