Saturday, October 3, 2009

Info Regarding My Possible Eurotrip

Earlier this week, I mentioned a lil' something about going on a possible Eurotrip next summer. Well, Thursday I went to an informational meeting at EIU's Study Abroad office to find out more about it. Anyway, it's a five-week (June 7-July 9, 2010) educational and fun trip to Grantham, England, a little Midlands village located about 30 mi. (what would that be in kilometers?) north of London. While there, I-- along with students from all over the U.S.-- would stay at Harlaxton Manor, a gorgeous mansion built in 1837. The area surrounding the estate supposedly inspired Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (1813) and Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights (1847). In terms of the educational aspect, students take classes at Harlaxton College-- the "British Campus of the University of Evansville (Indiana)." (EIU and UE have a Harlaxton program partnership with one another.) You can earn six credits toward a B.A. or M.A. in English lit. through this program. As for the fun part, participants can take trips into the city (London, of course), and additional sidetrips, including junkets to Scotland and/or Ireland and a long weekend in Paris, are offered. I choose all three. LOL! Another exciting thing is the interdisciplinary symposium, which Harlaxton has hosted since 1984. Here, students learn about British history, art, music, and literature. Okay, I think I need to get a passport ASAP! (Source: Wikipedia)
I have a number of reasons for wanting to go on this trip. The main reason, though, is that I've discovered that I'm a bit of a ramblin' woman. There's a whole big world out there, and I want to experience all of it. Instead of just merely watching Travel Channel programs about all these cool, exotic places, I want to actually visit them. I was raised a traveler, and I want to continue that wonderful tradition with my own family someday. Now, if I can just find a guy who'll ramble with me... Um, I'll get back with y'all on that. Perhaps I will eventually find my Mr. Darcy.
(To learn more about Harlaxton Manor, log onto http://www.en.wikipedia./org/wiki/Harlaxton_Manor.)

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