Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tribute to a Fellow Texan

Howdy, folks! I guess y'all have already heard that Patrick Swayze died yesterday at age 57, following a battle with pancreatic cancer. I loved Swayze-- a fellow Texan-- in The Outsiders (1983) and Dirty Dancing (1987). Also, I think his SNL Chippendale's audition skit, which features the late, great Chris Farley (dang, I miss that guy!) is a riot. From what I've heard and read, he was a pretty good guy and overcame a lot of hardship in his early years. In addition, he did a great job in the M*A*S*H episode "Blood Brothers (#9.18)" in which he played-- ironically-- a cancer patient. So, farewell, Patrick-- thanks for the laughs and thought-provoking performances.

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