Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor Day Weekend Fitness Blurb

In my attempt to get into top shape this summer, I decided to give this workout DVD I'd heard a lot about a whirl. Based on some glowing online reviews, I purchased Karen Voight's Ultimate Step Circuit (2001, Entertaining Fitness, Inc.). There's a lot to like in this efficient little, approx. 1-hr. routine. First, the three step-aerobic cardio circuits have creative choreography that is more athletic than dancy, which is key in my world. (Note: Risers are not used during the cardio.) Secondly, the intermittent strength circuits are challenging without classifying as cruel and unusual voluntary punishment. In addition, the brief abwork segment is a killer. (Crunches are performed on the step with the risers at an incline position. Ouch!) Also, the upper-body portion really shines, because you mix it up with heavy and light weights and work all your muscles, allowing for a truly effective workout. (The light-weight strength circuit requires 2-5-lb. dumbbells, while the heavy-weight version is performed with 5-10-lb. ones. I recommend experimenting with different weights (if possible) for optimal results and the most blissful exercise experience.) Finally, this DVD has the one thing everyone loves-- options! The very user-friendly menu allows you to choose only the cardio or only the strength circuits (32 mins. each), or you can do the entire workout (56 mins.) for total-body conditioning. Anyone looking to up her (or his) fitness level should do this DVD.

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