Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lines from Lysistrata

Here are some lines, spoken by the eponymous character and heroine of Aristophanes' Classical Greek anti-war comedy. Sometimes I read them during open-mic nights at the JAC in my real (read: Southern-accented*) voice. Always a crowd pleaser! Anywho, I often fantasized about saying something to this effect to Bush, Cheney, & Co. in regards to Iraq. I know the current prez wants to send troops to Afghanistan, and I would call the current administration out if need be. Of course, I hope I don't have to.
'You fool!
Right ideas were quite out of the question,
When your reckless policies failed, and yet
We never could make a suggestion.
And lately we heard you say so yourselves:
In the streets there'd be someone lamenting:
"There's not one man in the country now!"
-- and we heard many others assenting.
After that, we conferred through our deputies
And agreed, having briefly debated,
To act in common to save all Greece
At once-- for why should we have waited?
So now, when we women are talking sense,
If you'll only agree to be quiet
And to listen to us as we did to you,
You'll be very much edified by it.'
*The translation of the play I read in my Backgrounds in Western Literature class at EIU compares the female characters to women in the Civil War-era American South.
Oh, and speaking of politics, I guess y'all heard the big news. Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) is now a Democrat! President Obama and Vice President Biden welcomed him into the Democratic Party earlier today. Score one for the good guys/gals! Also, today marks Obama's first 100 days in office. According to most of the polls, the majority of Americans feel that the country is now on the right track. Take that, neocons!

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