Friday, May 15, 2009

Ripped from the Headlines!

According to an US Weekly cover story, Jon and Kate Gosselin may be headed for Splitsville. (The Gosselins are those people who have the twin girls and the mixed-gender sextuplets and that disgusting TLC show, John and Kate Plus 8). Jon is allegedly having an extramarital affair with a 23-three-year-old teacher. As for Kate, she's supposedly having a tryst with her bodyguard. Honestly, I'm not surprised. I really don't like these people. For one thing, they exploit their children, whom they chose to have via in-vitro fertilization (which almost always results in multiples), for personal gain. For another, reality TV is notorious for destroying its families. Speaking of IVF, Nadya Suleman-- Octomom-- is back in the news (yawn!). This time, she is being accused of abusing her autistic son. The boy had supposedly been seen with bruises. I'm so sick of all this sensationalized, hyper-reality crap! It's time to focus on Real World issues.

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