Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Another Anti-Reality TV Rant

Okay, I just heard yet another blurb about Jon & Kate & Co. They allegedly have an open-marriage arrangement. That is, there's actually a provision in their marriage contract that allows each to date other people. I'm not one to tell others how they should live their lives, but I really have a problem with a couple who promotes a certain set of values in front of God, America, and everybody and then turns around and does the opposite. It's downright hypocritical! Personally, I think Kate's an opportunistic fame whore. If she can make a fast buck off touting herself to be a Christian mommy of eight children, then that's what she'll do. As for Jon, he's either a moron with major self-esteem issues, seriously whipped, and/or just as bad as his estranged wife. Once again, down with yellow journalism!

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