Saturday, February 21, 2009

Uncovering History's Mysteries

Last night, I watched these History Channel specials about the Abraham Lincoln assassination. One was about the plots to steal Lincoln's body out of his tomb in Springfield's Oakridge Cemetery. Did y'all know that his body was actually moved 10 times? Wow! Talk about an unsettled spirit! The other program was about the events leading up to the assassination. Lincoln had eerie premonitions about his own death. Also, he received volumes of hate mail and death threats beginning immediately after his 1860 election. BTW, the other day I mentioned that Lincoln and Charles Darwin were born on the same day. Well, I failed to mention that Darwin was actually British, born in Shrewsbury, England. Nevertheless, both men influenced U.S. culture and thought in a huge way. Finally, I published a brand-new Suite101 article yesterday called "A President's Eclectic Religious Views: How Abraham Lincoln's Faith Influenced His Political Policies." The title is pretty self-explanatory.

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