Thursday, February 26, 2009

The President's Speech, The Republican Response, and Other Weird News

Apparently, everyone has strong opinions about the president's speech. One of those "ones" is Louisiana's Republican governor Bobby Jindal. Even fellow Repubs are panning Jindal's response. As for all the "wild pork" he's claiming (i.e. volcano research; levitating trains), some places, like Washington State and Alaska, need specialized funding for things like volcano research. As for Jindal's state, they need all the cash they can get. In case no one remembers, New Orleans is still trying to recover from Hurricane Katrina. (On a side note, Tuesday was Mardi Gras, French for "Fat Tuesday," the Catholics' last hurrah before Lent. Let the good times roll, ya'll!) Furthmore, the president has stated very clearly that the alleged "pork" accounts for a very small portion of the entire stim package. Okay, in weird news, that octomom, Nadya Suleman, was interviewed by Dr. Phil (Yes, I'm watching his show again.) this week. I swear, she is beyond socially irresponsible. Last but not least, I published another Suite101 article last night called "Was Abraham Lincoln the Great Emancipator?: Separating Fact from Fiction."

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