Sunday, January 18, 2009

Two More Days!

I've been watching the inaugural coverage on CNN and MSNBC all day. Barack arrived in D.C. yesterday via train. He traveled the same route taken by Abraham Lincoln. It would take me a week's worth of posts to discuss all the historical parallels. Anyway, there's supposed to be a bunch of performances by awesome artists, including Beyonce and U2. I saw a clip of Bono referencing Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech this afternoon. I have to confess something: I shed tears of joy! Yeah, I'm just a goofy, sensitive, sentimental, sappy gal. Barack will officially be our prez on Tuesday. Our eight-year nightmare is almost over. A new era has dawned, and I aim to be an active participant. Thanks, Barack, for restoring our nation's image.

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