Monday, January 12, 2009

A Documentary Review & Some Political Stuff, Too

Last night, I watched The U.S. vs. John Lennon (2006, Lionsgate). This documentary chronicles Lennon's issues with the U.S. Immigration Dept. and the Nixon Administration as a result of his anti-Vietnam activism. It features commentary by a myriad of counter-culture figures (author Gore Vidal; Black Panther leader Bobby Seale) as well as right-wingers (G. Gordon Liddy). There are also some great quotes, like this one from Vidal: "Mr. Lennon represents life, which is a good thing. Mr. Nixon and Mr. Bush represent death, which is a bad thing." Well said, Gore! Overall, the movie proves that history does indeed repeat itself. Lennon's ideals are just as applicable and fresh in our post-9/11/Iraq-War-addled nation. If Lennon were alive today, Barack would probably give him an honorary cabinet position. Celebrity ambassador of the Arts & Humanities, perhaps? Speaking of Tricky Dick, I found the part featuring a clip of Nixon being interviewed by David Frost especially chilling (i.e. "If the president does it, it's not illegal."). Sound familiar? Once again, imagine if Lennon were alive today... .
As for the political stuff, it looks like Blago will definitely be impeached and that Burris will be Barack's successor. Also, did ya'll see The Daily Show last week? They showed a clip of Man Coulter touting her oh-so-impeccable writing skills. She also claims to be a devout Christian. Yeah, right, and I'm the Virgin Mary!

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