Saturday, March 6, 2010

Some Interesting Findings

I often discuss interesting findings, articles, and/or info on this blog. Well, I found an article with some very interesting scientific findings that reaffirms one of my long-held theories.

That said, here goes: According to one of my beloved Yahoo! articles, scientists have concluded that happy people are 70% more talkative and tend to talk about much more substantive things than unhappy ones. Hmm... Perhaps I'm on to something with this! LOL! Seriously, though, I've always believed, based on my personal observations on and interactions with others, that this is definitely the case. I've found that a key sign of unhappiness is a general inability to discuss substantive things or think beyond the perimeters of one's own sphere. (Incidentally, I think I'm relatively talkative and often discuss basically substantive things; therefore, I consider myself relatively happy.) Anyway, I thought I'd just share these findings with y'all. Stay tuned for more "Interesting Findings" posts. Peace, Love, & Happiness!

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