Saturday, March 20, 2010

Meet the Press-- Ashleyverse Style, Saturday Edition 2

Howdy, folks! I haven't written in a few days, since I've been characteristically uber-busy, juggling the demands of grad school, teaching, and life in general. That said, I've got a plethora of political, entertainment, and Ashleyverse news to report on this lovely, early spring day.

Okay, first the breaking political news: Congress is set to vote on the all-important health-care reform bill tomorrow. According to the most recent press releases, things look good for President Obama's agenda. Also, this weekend marks the seventh anniversary of the Iraq War, which has been commemorated with little fanfare (hmm... wonder why!). We must urge the president and Congress to put an end to this little "police action" as promptly and honorably as possible. (Between y'all and me, I'm getting so sick and tired of writing about dangblasted wars. If I were in charge, I'd try to pass Lysistrata legislation in order to limit our involvement in "police actions" of any kind. LOL!!!)

Secondly, in entertainment news, the late, great axmaster Jimi Hendrix has beaten Elvis' long-standing Billboard music chart record, by becoming the first artist since Presley to score a top-5 album posthumously. Hendrix's compilation of never-before-released "experimental" music-- Valleys of Neptune-- has been released nearly 40 years after his death. The King's last album was released in 2003, about 25 years after his passing. (Clarification: Hendrix broke Presley's record by scoring a top-5 album a longer period after his death than Presley.) I've always been a huge Jimi fan, and I especially love the songs "Purple Haze," "Fire," "Angel," "Foxey Lady," "Little Wing," "Bold as Love," "Snowcastles in the Sand," "The Wind Cries Mary," and Jimi's kickass cover of Bob Dylan's "All Along the Watchtower." Of course, who can resist Jimi's Woodstock performance of "The Star-spangled Banner"?

Finally, in Ashleyverse news, I'm still reading Moby Dick. I hope to be done with it by tomorrow. As for that spring cleaning project, well, I think I made a little headway with that endeavor today. Still, with everything else I've got going on, a perfectly clean house is just not a top priority right now. Anyway, I guess the big Ashleyverse news is that I'm awaiting some possible good news from alma mater concerning my very near future. If I am delivered said good news, I'll share it with y'all right here. Until then, it's top secret. (I don't want to jinx it!)

And, on that positive note, I conclude yet another "special Saturday" edition of Meet the Press-- Ashleyverse Style. Peace, Love, & Happiness, y'all!

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