Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Will Work for Change.

As y'all have probably figured out already, I'm a little dissatisfied with my work situation. I tend to base my self-worth on how work is going. The fact of the matter is that this has been the case since I waited tables and washed dishes at Pizza Hut back in high school. In other words, my work is my identity. If I don't work, I'm nothing as far as I'm concerned. Having a fulfilling job gives me a sense of dignity. (I tend to come by this quite honestly, for I'm very much my father's daughter when it comes to work ethic. I'm not saying that's necessarily a good/bad thing, depending on how you look at it.) Right now, I'm questioning whether it's been worth it to even work at all this summer, given the whole funding situation. I keep telling myself that this is only temporary and that I'm doing some good for somebody out there. I know things are going to change, but I also know that I'm going to have to work hard to make those changes happen-- just like our president says. I want to ultimately parlay this philosophy into my own public service career. Dare I say it-- I'm feeling inspired. I've gotta get going, 'cause I've got a job to do, a paper to write, and a life to live. On a totally unrelated topic, I'm feeling really physically sore. What's that all about? I think it has something to do with my workout regimen. I'm probably overdoing it, like with everything else. It could more than likely be attributed to the powerwalking. (I do a lot of climbing up and down hills-- literally and metaphorically-- along my route.) In other completely non-sequitur news, today is my cousin Matthew's 21st birthday. Happy b'day, Matt! Party hard (but not too hard-- you probably have class tomorrow).

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