Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Voice of the New Conservative Movement? What New Conservative Movement?

The CPAC (Conservative Political Action Committee) had its annual meeting a couple weeks ago, and Rush Limbaugh has appointed himself the "Voice of the New Conservative Movement." Uh, the last time I checked, conservatism was dead. Apparently, Rush, Coulter, Ingraham, Bill-O The Clown, Glenn "Crazy Eyes" Beck, and the good but misguided folks at FAUX News didn't get the memo. I swear, the neocons are trying to rewrite our nation's history. For example, Olbermann and Maddow were having fun last night with the GOP's claim that FDR's New Deal caused unemployment to skyrocket during the Great Depression. What the hell do they think the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) and similar programs were, busy work and diversions for the downtrodden? Also, newly appointed GOP chairperson Michael Steele is already in hot water for his abortion stance. So, let me get this straight: In order to be a proper Republican, you have to adhere to a strict, unwaivering, uniform set of party-instituted principles? Sorry, not interested. I guess that if some people choose to live life in a bubble, that's their perogative. As for me, I've concluded that reality has a definite liberal bias. (On a side note, today's St. Patrick's Day. I'm neither Irish nor superstitious, but my car's green-- literally and metaphorically-- and I've got a U2 CD in it, so that should be enough to keep the evil banshees and psychotic leprechauns away. A pot of gold at the end of my rainbow would be nice, though.)

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