Saturday, January 9, 2010

I swear!

Wow! There's lots of crazy stuff going on in politics as we speak. Accordingly, I will discuss as much of it as possible, as well as offer my opinions on it, right here. I swear, folks, most of these stories-- especially Rudy Giuliani's latest 9/11-related gaffe-- are doozies. So, sit back and let me regale y'all with the latest news and my corresponding views on it.

For starters, former NYC mayor and one-time Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani is now claiming that no domestic terrorist attacks occurred during the Bush administration. WTF?! Uh, Rudy, what exactly do you call 9/11? Y'know, Joe Biden was right-- Giuliani can't say a single sentence without using the phrase "9/11." And, speaking of the veep, his mother, Jean Biden, passed away this week at age 92. My condolences to the Biden family. Also, a just-released video has revealed that the CIA bomber has links to Pakistan's division of the Taliban. I believe that, just as he handled the attempted Christmas Day airline bombing promptly and intelligently, President Obama will see to it that this issue is dealt with properly.

And that brings me to a discussion of foreign affairs. The situation in Yemen is worsening. I think the Obama administration will also deal with that accordingly. I also believe that the president understands that Pakistan and Yemen as opposed to Iraq and Afghanistan are the real "hot spots" right now. Of course, I'll continue to discuss this news item as I learn more about it and the story develops further. Most importantly, I'm confident that President Obama will not allow our current predicament to devolve into WWIII. (To be perfectly honest with y'all, it looks as though the prez will have better luck with Yemen than he will with health care, as we will more than likely not wind up having a public option after all. Dang-blasted Congressional Repubs! Oh, well, I guess you can't win 'em all.)

(Oh, a little aside: did y'all hear about Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party leader Peter Robinson's wife's sex scandal? Well, if not, what happened is that Robinson's 60-year-old wife, Iris (a prominent lawmaker in her own right), had a romantic tryst with a man nearly 40 years her junior. I can just hear pundits the world over having fun with this one. I'm feeling a Daily Show blurb, complete with that Simon and Garfunkle song from the The Graduate soundtrack playing in the background, coming on.)

Lastly, in Ashleyverse news, it's still very January-ish in my lil' neck of the woods, but a warming trend is scheduled for early this coming week. In addition, I'm conducting research and taking notes for my next newspaper op-ed column. (Further details forthcoming.) Other than that, I'm just trying to enjoy this final wintry weekend before I return to the old grindstone.

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