Friday, January 8, 2010

Another Very January-ish Day

Okay, the weather forecast for today is pretty much the same as it was for yesterday: downright yucky and, well, just plain January-ish. Of course, we still have February-- a month I only like because my birthday's in it!-- to look forward to. Then again, curling up with a good book and a hot cup of coffee (when you can) isn't exactly the worst thing in the world. Speaking of which, I was supposed to attend the annual learning disabilities/teacher-tutor-training meeting at work this morning, but it got cancelled (yay!). I suppose that's one positive way to view nasty winter days: if everything gets cancelled or shut down due to the weather, you have a built-in excuse to be lazy. And, trust me, y'all-- I'm taking full advantage of this opportunity, for it's back to the old grindstone (i.e. school and work) in the Ashleyverse next week. That said, I'm really looking forward to spring and all its wonderful promises this year. Until next time, namaste, y'all!

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