Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Where We Stand with Afghanistan

Well, the president made a decision today to send about 30,000 troops to Afghanistan over a six-month period. This plan has a built-in timetable for total U.S. troop withdrawal from the Middle East.
As always, here's my uncensored opinion on the matter: While I'm unhappy with the president's decision to send a surge of troops into Afghanistan, I trust that he won't allow it to turn into a quagmire-- a la Vietnam and Iraq. The bottom line here is that this president inherited the Afghanistan predicament, and, had the previous administration not been so tunnel-visioned about Iraq, we'd probably be out of the Middle East altogether by now. My one major concern is that President Obama will fall into the LBJ trap of escalating the war in order to appease the Far Right. So, folks, that's my oh-so-humble opinion about another issue du jour. (And, no, this is not my last word on this issue. There'll be plenty more where that came from later on this week. Stay tuned!)

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