Monday, August 3, 2009

My "Bad Case of the Mondays"

To quote that lady on Office Space, I had a "bad case of the Mondays" today. First, I had to wake up super-early this morning in order to go to yet another all-day workshop at the college. (We have a lot of those suckers this time of year.) Anyway, as usual it pertained to disabilities. It's a little mindnumbing and soulsucking, to be perfectly honest. Then, I had to stay an extra 45 minutes in order to discuss the fate of our tutoring program with my boss and co-workers. I seriously hope that I'll be moving on to the greener pastures of higher academia come the first of next year. Finally, I had to drive all the way to Charleston for my second-to-last Romanticism class. I was wiped out by the time it was all said and done. I just got home from school about an hour ago. (It's actually about 10:30 p.m. here in Illinois, and I've been up since 4 a.m., so do the math.) Oh, well, I guess I should be grateful that I'm able to live a full life, no matter how crazy it gets sometimes. Besides, tomorrow's a new day-- Terrific Tuesday!

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