Sunday, July 5, 2009

Palin's Resignation and "Higher Calling"

Have y'all heard the latest news about Sarah Palin? Yes, she's resigning from the Alaska governorship, as well as writing her memoir. She's also mentioned following a "higher calling." Political analysts are saying that this really hurts her chances in terms of pursuing the presidency in 2012. Now, Palin is claiming that she's a "victim of the 'liberal' media"-- a la Miss California. That's going hurt her more than anything in the long run. As for her "higher calling," she's hinted in recent interviews that she "wants to unite the country along conservative lines." The trouble with that is that America is a strongly centrist nation. (For the record, President Obama is also a definite centrist.) Perhaps Sarah realizes that she may not be able to juggle politics, marriage, and caring for a special-needs child. Interestingly, my mom told me that she watched a snippet of one of those aforementioned interviews and that Sarah seemed "manic." I haven't seen said snippet, but I'll have to check it out somewhere such as YouTube.

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