Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Progressivism Triumphs Once Again

Well, the president signed the economic stimulus bill today. It's going to take some time, but positive effects of this legislation will begin to be felt almost immediately. Maybe it's just me, but progressive ideology almost always seems to win out in American society. We're simply too diverse a nation for ultra-conservatism to really take hold for an extended length of time. Thank God! Oh, with all my electronic fluttering over the Lincoln bicentennial, I forgot to mention that Feb. 12, 1809, was also the birthdate of Charles Darwin. It is a true testament to the diversity of this country that these two very different men were born on the exact same day and affected the American thought process in their own distinct ways. I know that looking at Congress might suggest otherwise, but I believe that the American people are more united than ever and genuinely committed to helping our elected officials create a "government of the people, for the people,and by the people." More importantly, I believe that our nation will succeed in all regards.

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